====== Claim for flour ====== Back to [[orchard_joseph_1749|Joseph Orchard]] | [[orchard_joseph_1749_american_loyalist_claim|American Loyalist Claim]]\\ ---- \\ | {{ :19acw.jpg |Cover 1}} | {{ :19bcw.jpg |Cover 2}} | \\ {{ :12cw.jpg |Claim for flour, page 1}} \\ {{ :13cw.jpg |Claim for flour, page 2}} \\ {{ :14cw.jpg |Claim for flour, page 3}} \\ {{ :15cw.jpg |Claim for flour, page 4}} \\ \\ **Below:** I wonder who Mr Quick and Mr Corby were?\\ Mr Corby may have been a fellow baker; and a [[https://allthingsliberty.com/2014/09/the-statue-of-george-iii/|Mr Corby was sent to reclaim the King's head]] after the downing of George III's statue at Bowling Green (not the massacre, obvs. m( )... in 1776. \\ Mr Quick is a complete mystery at this moment. {{ :16cw.jpg |Claim for flour, page 5}} \\ {{ :17cw.jpg |Claim for flour, page 6}} \\ {{ :18cw.jpg |Claim for flour, page 7}}