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messingham_mary_ann_1823 [2020/03/28 17:52] tielmessmessingham_mary_ann_1823 [2020/03/28 17:57] (current) tielmess
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 **Grandson, William James Smith**\\  **Grandson, William James Smith**\\ 
 {{ :williamjamessmithburial1903cwbw.jpg |William James Smith burial 1903: note pasted on to page of the parish register}} {{ :williamjamessmithburial1903cwbw.jpg |William James Smith burial 1903: note pasted on to page of the parish register}}
-**Note pasted on to page of the parish register:**  It is worth noting that during the short life of William James Smith, who was born in March, 1903, and died in January, 1904, there died three of his great-grandmothers; viz. : - Mrs. Harriett Pink in May 1903, **Mrs. Mary Ann Smith in October 1903**, and Mrs. Charlotte Shrubb in December 1903. The fourth, who was Mrs. Ann Burrows, died in March 1896. Two of the great-grandfathers survive, viz. : **Mr. James Smith** and Mr. Edward Shrubb.+**Note pasted on to page 47 of the parish register:** \\   
 +It is worth noting that during the short life of William James Smith, who was born in March, 1903, and died in January, 1904, there died three of his great-grandmothers ; viz. :-  Mrs. Harriett Pink in May 1903, **Mrs. Mary Ann Smith in October 1903**, and Mrs. Charlotte Shrubb in December 1903. The fourth, who was Mrs. Ann Burrows, died in March 1896. Two of the great-grandfathers survive, viz. : **Mr. James Smith** and Mr. Edward Shrubb. \\ 
 \\  \\ 
messingham_mary_ann_1823.1585417936.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/28 17:52 by tielmess